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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Seasons Greetings From Vilcabamba Ecuador

Team T has crossed the border. We are kicking back in Vilcambamba Ecuador for a month. This is a picture of the kids in front of our rustic little rented home. The yard is sure the perfect playground for the imagination. They sure enjoy making rivers and houses in the yard. We have banana trees, coffee bushes, limes, avocados, mandarins, and some unique Ecuadorian fruits all growing in our yard. We kicked out the cucarachas and settled in. All of our holiday decorations are made out of paper but enjoyed just the same. We are just glad to be able to decorate some place. Its amazing how much fun you can have with paper, markers, scissors and glue.

Grandpa Turcotte lives up the street. We are visitng a lot with him and meeting some of his friends here. Many of his friends are into the Raw food diets. Justin is hoping to learn more about it.