When you cross over into Venezuela, you travel back to the mid seventies. Almost every car is an old imported American car. That is, a relic of the mid seventies. Chevy Caprice Classics, Chevy Novas, Plymouth Dusters, and Cutless Sierras rule the road. Our first taxi was an old beat up Caprice that drove us 3 1/2 hours to Maracaibo. We rode in some pretty snazzy old beasts...royal blues, ruby reds, and perhaps even a purple one. Why???
Cheap Gas! These gross polluters dominate the roads in western Venezuela, but at 100L for a dollar locals keep them going. Minus the fumes, it was fun to have a ride from the past and share these mobile couch experiences with the kids.
Oil is big business in Venezuela. It's there and its real. We caught many glimpses of the industry as we passed through small towns on the bus.
Finally, smiling Hugo Chavez is everywhere! His socialist programs are plastered all over every town and billboard.