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Thursday, March 24, 2011


We timed our trip just right for Carnaval. After Tayrona National Park, we returned to Santa Marta to make our preparations for Carnaval.

Now Santa Marta is only 2 hours from the city of Barranquilla. What is the significance, you wonder? Well, Barranquilla has the second largest Carnaval celebration in South America (2nd to Rio of course). We debated bussing into ground zero to experience this craziness. We bought Tshirts, masks, mohawk wigs, and of course SPRAY FOAM.

The kids were ready all day to spray this foam and wear their special outfits. But after gathering a lot of advice, we opted to stay put in Santa Marta and celebrate locally. Boy were we glad we stayed in Santa Marta. It really ended up being a family friendly affair (unlike what we heard Barran. would be like) . There was this huge parade and everyone was doused in spray foam. We got targeted big time. Little T loved spraying the car tires (those were at his level). The cans of foam were bigger than half his size! We also had bottles of baby powder at our disposal for retaliation purposes. It was wild and crazy but a lot of fun. Sorry no pictures of the results.